2019-05-09 : 하루에 물을 얼마나 마셔야 하나요?
2019-05-09 : 하루에 물을 얼마나 마셔야 하나요?
예전에 인턴 때 예원이랑 하루에 1.5리터 마시기를 했었다.
한번에 마심 소변으로 배출된대서 한시간 마다 알람 맞춰서 한 컵씩 먹었었는데, 며칠 하고 바디 피부가 부들부들 해져서 놀랬었음...
그러고 사는게 바빠서 물 많이 마시기를 못하고 있었는데 최근에 나경이가 열심히 하고 있는거 같아서 자극받게 됐다.
그럼 하루에 물은 얼마나 마셔야 하는걸까...?
8잔 캠페인까지 나온 것은 이른바 '하루 물 권장 섭취량'때문입니다. 대략 성인의 경우 2ℓ인데요, 250ml짜리 물잔으로 나누면 8잔이 나옵니다.
하루 권장 물 섭취량을 계산하는 공식도 여러 개가 있는데요, 자신의 몸무게 곱하기 0.033으로 계산하는 공식에 따르면 몸무게 70kg인 성인남자의 경우 약 2.3ℓ를 하루에 마시도록 권장합니다.
또 다른 공식은 (키+몸무게)/100인데 이 공식에 따르면 몸무게 70kg인 남성의 키가 175cm라면 2.45ℓ를 마셔야 합니다. 두 공식을 비교해보면 아주 비만이거나 아주 마른 체형이 아니라면 큰 차이가 없어 보이는데요, 처음 언급한 하루 8잔도 크게 다르지가 않습니다.
그런데 최근에 흥미 있는 연구결과가 발표됐습니다. 하루에 8잔 이상의 물을 마셔야 한다는 우리의 통념을 깨는 것인데요. 하버드 건강 편지(Harvard Health Letter)에 게재된 연구결과에 따르면 하루 권장 물 섭취량은 30에서 50온스입니다. 약 900ml~1.5ℓ인데요, 250ml 잔으로 4잔에서 6잔인 것입니다. 우리가 아는 것과 하루에 2잔에서 4잔 정도 적은 양입니다. 연구에 참여한 샤밀라 사하 박사는 "사람들이 하루 8잔의 물을 마셔야 한다고 말하는데 그것은 하루 섭취하는 수분에 관한 것이라며 그것이 꼭 물일 필요는 없다" 따라서 "하루 4잔에서 6잔 정도 물을 마시겠다고 목표를 정하라"고 권고했습니다. 그러면서 나머지 부족한 수분은 다른 음식에서 보충하면 된다고 설명했습니다. 수분이 많은 양배추나 시금치, 과일 등을 거론하면서 수박은 물이 92%이고 오이도 96%가 물로 구성돼 있다며 구체적인 예를 들어 친절하게 설명했습니다.
출처 : SBS 뉴스
원본 링크 : https://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1003086193&plink=COPYPASTE&cooper=SBSNEWSEND
하루에 물을 얼마나 마셔야 하나요?
여러분은 하루에 물을 얼마나 마시나요? 매일 8잔을 마시자는 캠페인도 있었지만 세 끼 식사 때를 포함해 짬을 내지 않고서는 하루 8잔을 마신다는 게 쉬운 일은 아닙니다. 규칙적으로 운동을 하는 사람이라면 어렵지 않겠지만 사무실에서 주로 시간을 보내는 대부분의 직장인들에게 8잔은 버거운 게 현실입니다.
1.5L 만 마셔도 된다는 건데 일단 1L 마시는거부터 노력해야 할 듯...
그리고 물 대신 차를 마셔도 될까? 이뇨작용이 없는 차는 가능하다.
물 대신 마실 수 있는 차보리차, 현미차
물 대신 마실 수 없는 차녹차, 홍차, 옥수수수염차, 헛개나무차
회사에 메밀차랑 현미녹차 있는데.. 둘다 물을 대체 할 수 없는 거라니...!
정수기 물 그냥 마시는 연습이 필요할 거 같다.
그렇담 물의 온도는?
따뜻한 물이 몸에 좋다는 건 다들 알겠지만, 어떤 효과가 있는지 찾아봤다.
모르는 단어도 많네...
Better digestion
Warm water stimulates digestion. The body won’t use so much energy to break down the food you consumed, which makes it very easy for them to be digested and to smoothly pass through the intestines. Drinking cold water while you eat has the opposite effect. This is another reason why restaurants offer coffee or tea at the end of a meal.
Warm water helps the body flush out toxins as you sweat and urinate. Body temperature will rise as you consume the hot drink, causing you to sweat. There is no need to subject your body to juice cleanses. Many detoxing diets basically require you not to consume anything but juices. Your body needs about 2,000 calories a day to function properly. Anything less than that puts it in stress mode.
Improves blood circulation
Drinking warm or hot water flushes the toxins, including fat deposits, circulating in your body, which improves blood circulation. Muscles relax as well, also aiding in better blood flow. Also, just like in taking a warm bath, your arteries and veins will expand, which gives more space for blood to flow, according to Johnston UNC Health Care.
Helps with pain
Have you ever heard of women with menstrual cramps applying a hot pack on their belly to ease the pain? It works like a charm, not just there but on any swollen or painful area. The hot water relaxes the muscles and relieves the pain. Hot water also helps with headachesand other body aches.
Aids in losing weight
The No. 1 immediate effect is hydration, which helps to shed extra pounds because you feel fuller for longer, resulting in eating less. Also, warm water raises body temperature which, in turn, increases your metabolic rate, which means you are burning more calories at rest. A study showed that drinking hot water helped people lose weight without having to follow a special diet or exercise program.
Slows aging down
If you are looking for a free anti-aging product, look no farther than your kitchen sink. As your body detoxifies, your skin can recover faster after coming in contact with germs and other free radicals. Cells repair quicker which means your skin is glowing. It is elastic again, which significantly reduces the risk of wrinkles. Hot water also helps against acne by unclogging the pores.
Relieves constipation(변비)
Constipation is a common result of dehydration. Water is what keeps the food moving down through your intestines. If the body is dehydrated, the large intestine will soak up whatever water it can from the food you consumed, making it too hard to pass, causing pain and constipation. Warm water will break down food faster, relieving your pain quicker. Also, warm water is more soothing for the intestines.
Cleanses the skin
Hot water opens up the pores and flushes out the toxinswithin the skin. It hydrates it, so in a way it is a natural moisturizer as well. Fewer harmful bacteria in the body and in the skin mean a smaller risk for skin infections and other conditions, such as acne.
Better hair
Hot water activates the nerves at the roots of your hair, making it soft and glowing. Regular activity of the roots helps the hair grow faster. Dehydration is one of the main reasons for dry hair. Each hair shaft is made up of 1/4 water and when you don't drink enough, it causes your hair to become weak.
No dandruff(비듬)
The logic is unbeatable: Warm water keeps your scalp hydrated preventing the formation of dandruff, which are small pieces of dead skin, in the hair.
Lower risk of infections
You have probably heard of boiling water when you’re hiking in the wilderness. This is because the process kills harmful bacteria and microbes in the water that can hurt your body after drinking it. By reducing your exposure to opportunistic infections, hot water is superior to room temperature or cold water.
Improves metabolism(대사)
Drinking 2 cups of water will increase your metabolic rate for about 30 percent for up to 40 minutes, accordingto a study. This includes warm water, which increases your body temperature, resulting in a faster metabolism. Keep in mind that the difference won’t be huge – your metabolism is mostly affected by weight, age and genetics.
Soothes sore throats
This is the perfect natural remedy for when you have a cold. Hot water dissolves the thick viscous substance secreted by the mucous membranes and helps to remove it from the respiratory tract. Drinking hot water also doses miracles with nasal congestion, especially if you inhale the steam.
출처 : https://www.theactivetimes.com/fitness/health-benefits-drinking-hot-water
The Health Benefits of Drinking Hot Water
The Health Benefits of Drinking Hot Water Drinking water is one the best favors you can do to your body. It has surprising health benefits such as strong kidneys, more energy, better mood, and lower cholesterol. Hot water only adds to the long list of reas
결론은 따뜻한 물이 더 좋다는 거...
찾는김에 오바해서 생수 순위도 알아봤다..
8. smartwater
The story: The folks at Glacéau have their heads in the clouds. Their vapor-distilled water is pulled from the sky, then given electrolytes for taste. On the bottle they trash-talk spring water by making fun of people who like the taste of stuff that comes from under the ground. Snarky!
Tasting notes: Tangy. Tart. Reminds us of water that went through a Brita multiple times.
7. Aquafina
The story: Aquafina is purified water that goes through a seven-step HydRO-7 filtration process that it claims takes out way more solids than other filtration methods, making for the purest water possible. Foreshadowing!
Tasting notes: Starts off good, but the aftertaste wasn't to our liking. It's a voluptuous water. Very full-bodied. The cabernet of water. This tastes like American excess.
6. Dasani
The story: The soda titans over at Coca-Cola own this purified-water imprint, which is remineralized with magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride, and salt.
Tasting notes: It feels buoyant in your mouth, which our tasters didn't fully embrace. Very clean and fruity. Hints of unchanged Brita filter.
5. Evian
The story: Evian is "naive" spelled backwards, but it's also the name of a town in the French Alps that was founded way before people learned about spelling things backwards to create secret messages. The company claims its water is a geological miracle because it passed through a few very scientifically unlikely permeable layers. Over the course of 15 years, rain and snow make their way into an underground spring where the water is harvested already full of electrolytes and minerals.
Tasting notes: Whoa, that's a lot of minerals. The electrolyte levels are on overdrive. There is worry among the group about over-hydration. The texture is a little on the thin side. If this were a pair of jeans, it would be skinny, not apple-bottomed.
4. Fiji Natural Artesian Water
The story: Tropical rainfall on the island of Viti Levu in Fiji is naturally filtered through volcanic rock where it picks up minerals and electrolytes, then wells up in an underground aquifer.
Tasting notes: It's got the most lab-created flavor, but by a meticulous scientist from an exotic land, not one of our sloppy, disheveled American brainiacs. There's no aftertaste or lingering mouthfeel. So many minerals it'd pair well with rocks.
3. Nestle Pure Life
The story: Nestle owns 64 different brands of water, from Perrier to Poland Spring, but we tested its most popular: Pure Life. It's classified as purified water, which means it comes from a well or municipal source and is then carbon filtered, softened, demineralized, re-mineralized, and disinfected with ultraviolet light and ozone.
Tasting notes: A clean taste, with no trace of minerals at all. Neutral in flavor. If you're a marathon runner, this would be a great choice. It quenches in a very direct and pleasing way.
2. Voss
The story: Found in an artesian well in Norway and also in fancy hotel rooms, Voss ties Mountain Spring for the most expensive water on the list.
Tasting notes: This has a lot of character. It's expressive. Gravelly, but we liked it -- it's the Jack Palance of water. There's a roughness around the edges. It seems like there's a ton of minerals in there.
1. Mountain Valley Spring Water
The story: This Arkansas-sourced spring water has been quenching thirsts since 1871 and has been a favorite of everyone from presidents Coolidge and Eisenhower to Elvis Presley to Secretariat, who stands alone as both the first horse to take home a Triple Crown and first to have an opinion on water flavors. It takes 3,500 years for rain water to make its way to the aquifer and its naturally high pH supposedly works well to neutralize highly acidic food.
미국 뉴스 사이트인데, 내가 마시는 Dasani가 5위 했다...ㅎㅎ
그럼 앞으로 미지근 한 생수/보리차/현미차 1.5L 씩 마시기 도전!
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